Québec Urbain

L’Urbanisme de la ville de Québec en version carnet…

Contemporary Architecture in the Historic Environment

Par Envoyer un courriel à l’auteur le 6 octobre 2015 Commentaires fermés sur Contemporary Architecture in the Historic Environment

The Getty Conservation Institute

The Contemporary Architecture in the Historic Environment project is addressing one of the critical issues in heritage conservation—the management of change—by exploring the role of contemporary architecture in historic environments and developing methodologies and criteria for designing new buildings that are respectful of their historic contexts and assessing the impacts of these new constructions. It will work with the professional community, including the planning, architectural, conservation, and development sectors, to develop objective standards that will form the basis of guidance and assessment tools that can assist in achieving a shared understanding of appropriate development in historic contexts, improve consistency in the decision-making process across a wide range of situations, and promote good design

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Voir aussi : Architecture urbaine, Histoire, Patrimoine et lieux historiques.

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