Québec Urbain

L’Urbanisme de la ville de Québec en version carnet…

Les archives de la Ville de Québec: un atout pour les chercheurs

Par Envoyer un courriel à l’auteur le 1er février 2016 1 commentaire

Un fidèle lecteur (Jérôme Bégin) de Québec Urbain nous informe de la parution de cette étude (Epidemics, Empire, and Environments Cholera in Madras and Quebec City, 1818–1910) dans laquelle les archives de la Ville de Québec ont été exploitées et mises en valeur.

* Throughout the nineteenth century, cholera was a global scourge against human populations. Practitioners had little success in mitigating the symptoms of the disease, and its causes were bitterly disputed. What experts did agree on was that the environment played a crucial role in the sites where outbreaks occurred. In this book, Michael Zeheter offers a probing case study of the environmental changes made to fight cholera in two markedly different British colonies: Madras in India and Quebec City in Canada. The colonial state in Quebec aimed to emulate British precedent and develop similar institutions that allowed authorities to prevent cholera by imposing quarantines and controlling the disease through comprehensive change to the urban environment and sanitary improvements. In Madras, however, the provincial government sought to exploit the colony for profit and was reluctant to commit its resources to measures against cholera that would alienate the city’s inhabitants. It was only in 1857, after concern rose in Britain over the health of its troops in India, that a civilizing mission of sanitary improvement was begun. As Zeheter shows, complex political and economic factors came to bear on the reshaping of each colony’s environment and the urgency placed on disease control.

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Voir aussi : Publications & ressources Internet.

Un commentaire

  1. Jérôme Ouellet

    2 février 2016 à 15 h 06

    Soit dit en passant que c’est une fort bonne initiative des Archives de la Ville de Québec que de mettre à la disposition du public leurs fonds et collections en ligne. http://www.ville.quebec.qc.ca/culture_patrimoine/archives/recherche/index.aspx

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