Québec Urbain

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« More good architects should get involved in social housing » says Daniel Libeskind

Par Envoyer un courriel à l’auteur le 15 mars 2024 1 commentaire

Amy Peacock

Architects with creative flair are needed to overcome stigmas around social housing, urges Polish-American architect Daniel Libeskind in this Social Housing Revival interview.

« More good architects should get involved in social housing, » Libeskind told Dezeen. « We need creativity to overcome the social-housing stigma and we need architects who can invent new ways to create housing that is decent, has dignity, is beautiful and sustainable within the budgets allowed. »

« If you’re an architect that engages with the issue of housing in a creative way, then you’re a much-needed solution to a problem. »

Libeskind, whose eponymous studio completed a social housing project in New York last year, believes that creating better quality low-cost housing is one of the most urgent issues facing the world today.

He argued that many contemporary social-housing projects are designed by copying failed examples from the past that do not adequately meet people’s needs.

« Too much of what we call ‘social housing’ is just formulaic from another era, » he said. « It’s popped out automatically in a typology that isn’t very close to the human spirit. »

La suite

Voir aussi : 0 - Revue de presse, Architecture urbaine, Logement locatif ou social.

Un commentaire

  1. Jeff M

    15 mars 2024 à 16 h 17

    Ça fait du bien lire ça.
    Je dirais que par courtoisie envers tous ceux qui voient un immeuble de l’extérieur, celui-ci mérite d’être élégant.

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