Ci-contre: capture d’image d’une vidéo exposant une initiative de cohabitation de différents modes de transport urbain dans la capitale française. « Origine du projet : Le PDU. Le Plan de Déplacements Urbains (PDU) définit les principes permettant d’organiser les déplacements de personnes, le transport des marchandises, la circulation, le stationnement. Ses orientations doivent concourir à diminuer le trafic. » – Tout sur le Mobilien
Source: Livablestreets.com.
With the majority of the world’s 6.5 billion human beings now living in cities, building healthy, livable and affordable urban environments is critical to the mission of today’s global environmental movement.
The Livable Streets Network is an online community for people working to create sustainable cities through sensible urban planning, design, and transportation policy. We provide free, open source, web-based, resources to citizens working to create a greener economy, address climate change, reduce oil dependence, alleviate traffic congestion, and provide better access to good jobs in healthy communities.
We believe that people make a city great. Yet, so many of the world’s great cities dedicate too much of their precious, limited public space – their streets – to motor vehicles rather than people. We are working to redesign our communities around public transportation and walkable, bikeable streets. We are transforming parking lots into public plazas, busy intersections into town squares, and congested highways into bike paths. We are taking back our cities, one street at a time.
À consulter, entre autres billets: Doit-on en finir avec l’automobile? et Transport collectif: La Ville de Québec étudie le busway.
D’une pierre, deux coups! Merci à Pierre-Luc Auclair pour m’avoir fait découvrir à la fois son blogue (VéloUrbain.qc.ca) et cette autre fort intéressante et très documentée ressource Web.